Cult books that have become generational manifestos


1. How to make a book the best gift.

According to surveys, more than 85% of teenagers aged 12 to 15 years are called the best gift smartphone. We tell how not only to choose a book, but also to make it truly attractive.

The book contains many meanings. But this is not always obvious when looking at the cover. How to make her give a surprise? The easiest way is to pack it.

2. The main words in the book are yours.

The most important words for your child can only be written by you – his parent. Therefore, do not be polished and write a couple of offers on a postcard or tab.

2.1 What do teenagers think?

Adventure novels are interesting primarily for their plot, some intrigue and action. They broaden their horizons, develop fantasy, some instill a love of history and geography. Many of them also touch on the topic of relationships, the actions of the main characters lead to reflection, give ground for parallels and certain conclusions.

What books are worth choosing for teenagers?

  • adventure books
  • about relationships
  • for self-discovery
  • fiction and magic

Self-determination is an important stage that a person goes through at the stage of growing up. For adolescents, this topic is very relevant, they are looking for themselves, trying to figure out their inner world.

2.2 A book as a gift – for or against?

The book is the best gift, no doubt. You give not just a bright cover and a couple of hundred pages, but whole worlds – fascinating and unique! The book can enrich the world of a loved one, make him better and smarter. Solid pros!

Children need to be taught to read from a young age so that they have a great baggage of knowledge and developed fantasy to school. Give them books that will inspire them and give them the right information in game form.

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